30 October 2007


Click here to read an essay I recently wrote for Wineskins Magazine. This essay discusses the relationship between what happens on Sunday morning (corporate worship) and mission (living our lives as "worship before God") using New York City as a case study of sorts.

I'm curious to hear your thoughts and critique. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the essay? Remember that dialog is the path to true understanding.

There are other great articles in this issue including a great interview with Brian McLaren. Props to GT (Greg Taylor) for being an outstanding editor; for helping me find my own voice.


Anonymous said...

A very compelling article. I like your parallel of the Temple being the central part of Jewish life with the fact that we are the temple. I think this parallel goes in two directions - inward in how we live, and then outward as an example the world.

Just as the Temple was at the center of Jewish life, Jesus should be at the center of everything in our lives. The other side of that, of course, is that the Temple was a shining example of God's glory in every aspect of Jewish life, so Christians should show God's glory to the world in every aspect of modern life as well.

This reminds me very much of a one of my favorite passages, which is also one of the most direct and succinct challenges in the Bible - to "in all our ways, acknowledge Him". That's been an amazing thought to me for some time, to live our lives in such a way that in everything we do, we can acknowledge God and His will - His way of doing things.

Josh Graves said...

Crazy Saint (a great blog ID):

"Glory" is a key concept in NT language. Which, of course, comes from the Hebrew Scripture's and the shekinah/glory of YHWH (think here Tabernacle).

In a sense, Christianity is a religion of progressive revelation. As one scholar notes, the Gospels are midrash on Torah through the life and teachings of Jesus.

I want this blog to be about all elements of faith...it is good to have a theological discussion from time to time.

Anonymous said...


I agree that theological discussions are good to have. Especially ones that hit the core of how our faith should affect our daily lives! Serving God should be something that affects everything we do, not just something that makes us dress up and act nice on Sundays.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading your article. It was also very timely for me. I am teaching a Bible Study group on John 2 tonight and I needed something to help me with the Jesus in the Temple section. I like how you described the Temple with a city around it and its signifigance to the Israelites so I am using that as background info for the study. Thanks for the help.

Josh Graves said...

Matthew and John's Gospel are especially interested in the relationship of Jesus/Temple and thus the disciples and the Temple.

Bon chance.

Ray Brown has a great little book on the historical situation for the writing of John's Gospel. I think it is called "The Maverick Gospel"...fyi.