28 October 2007

Potter (part deux)

If the Harry Potter pot wasn't stirred enough last time, here's an interesting article on "Searching Truth in Harry Potter." The author is a former missionary to West Africa.

What do you think?

What are the strengths of her arguments? What are the weaknesses or inconsistencies?

UPDATE: Wade has an interesting article on his blog discussing whether or not Harry Potter is a Christian!?


Anonymous said...

Was there even a point to her article? It seemed like it was just stream of consiousness, which, all these years later, just seems that she has yet to make up her mind about it. Children that grew up with the books are not enslaved to witchcraft, and time has proven that the books will linger a while longer. I would even argue that Christians hold the majority of being fans of the books, as our genre seems to do the most reading anyway.

The books don't force us to use witchcraft. They do, however, force us to use our imaginations, and that is never a bad thing.

Josh Graves said...


I think, overall, she is positive about the article. She presents some of the objections/fears that some bring to the text (including the ones she brought initiall!).

Anyways, love your blog. Are you a Brit yet? How are they treating you?

Anonymous said...

zsyI took the photograph of the trees in my background just this afternoon. I love walking around here, it's so beautiful and everything is interesting. I like to think i'm British now, but I still have this nasally American accent!

Anonymous said...

So have we all heard about Dumbledore being gay? What do we think about that?


Josh Graves said...


I don't make a big deal out of Dumbledore being gay.

Would we want to discuss it, were he an alchoholic, gambler, or materialistic jerk?

Christians seem preoccupied with making homosexuality their number one target.

I personally am not interested in going on a gay crusade.

Is homosexuality an issue our churches must address? Of course. But not before, nationalism, elitism, materialism, racism, sexism, etc.

The majority of people I know who are phobic towards gays usually resist entering into any kind of meaningful relationship.

Anonymous said...

Dang just read the fact that Dumbledore was Gay and wondered if that was a part of this discussion. I am just confused as to why J.K. Broke that news after the series is over (it is new news isn't it and the Potter series is over isn't it?)
I mean what is next, Is Judy Blume gonna issue a press release that says that Fudge grew up to be Gay as well?

Josh Graves said...

Ah, good question. Perhaps, it is because all of the movies have not been released.

And,as hard as it is to believe, there are people like me who've not read the series and may do so now out of curiosity.

I think it is a PR stunt personally.

Dana M. said...

Thanks for sharing this article from Patty. I met her and visted the part of Togo she lived to work with that team several years ago. I have seen the animistic religion she speaks about, and I'm glad she found a place to speak truth about witchcraft and the occult in reference to Harry Potter. These stories and the reality are worlds apart.

I also agree that Rowling revealing Dumbledore's sexual orientation is a PR stunt. She couldn't give it away earlier because it would taint what readers didn't know about the character's shady past too early. Now it's all out there, and she can tell whatever secrets she has left about the characters.