19 November 2007

Sunday in Motown

Yesterday was a great day in the kingdom.

In a class I’m teaching at our local church, we discussed the life and contributions of Desmond Tutu and his work with the TRC in South Africa following the demise of apartheid.

Near the end, we told stories of needing forgiveness and stories about experiences in which we were convicted to do the forgiving. It was a holy and special moment.

* * *

Our time in Cass Park was fruitful yesterday. Despite the fact that Detroit is, once again, considered the most dangerous city in the United States, we were hosted with love and respect by the women and men who make their home in and around Cass Park. One friend, Anne Harvey, is so excited to be in her own house after living in Cass Park for three years that she came yesterday to “bear witness” and catch up with her friends.

I’ll write more about Anne in the future. Suffice to say, she’s taught me more about hospitality than any exegetical study from the New Testament.

* * *

Last night, our small group/life group met in the home of Dr. Craig and Stephanie Kline. Craig is a doctor who lives and works in Detroit. Stephanie is a former missionary to Honduras now studying social work at Wayne State University in Detroit. They have brought such a special dimension to our group—their passion for the city is contagious. Our time of table, worship, discussion and prayer, was exactly what I needed.

It might sound heretical…but our life group often feels more like church than Sunday mornings. What does that say….hmmm…?


Anonymous said...

We are Taking Tomorrow, we are a Christian band. Please check out our blog and comment and blog.
God Bless,
Taking Tomorow.

Matthew said...

Not your topical Sunday morning class topic.

Josh Graves said...


Regretfully, you are right. Racial injustice is something that we don't talk a great deal about in most white evangelical churches.

But, I see that changing and I'm encouraged.

Courtney Strahan said...

Sunday was really great...I can't wait until March.

I'd like to hear more about your interactions with Anne. I always love seeing her in the D. She was especially bright on Sunday and it was great to see...

Anonymous said...

Josh Graves said: "It might sound heretical…but our life group often feels more like church than Sunday mornings. What does that say….hmmm…?"

Maybe it means you don't like your own preaching :D