08 February 2009

Praying with Truitt

Last night, Kara and I got to experience prayer time with Josh, Kayci, and Truitt Ross. Truitt is 21 months old. The biggest blue eyes one face can hold. He's not going to be a heartbreaker. He is a heartbreaker.

Before Truitt's bedtime last night, Kayci and Josh gathered Truitt next to us for prayer time.

We all bowed our heads. Josh led the prayer.

"God thank your for this day. Help us sleep in your arms tonight. Help us to live missionally and incarnationally this week."

So, if Truitt doesn't become the starting strong safety for the Dallas Cowboys in twenty-five years (as his dad would have) . . . he's going to be the only kid in seminary who can say he knew the words mission and incarnation before he could ride his bike.

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