01 October 2008

The Blame Game

We see it all the time.

Ministers blame elders. Elders blame ministers. Both blame church members. Church members blame ministers. Church members blame elders.

Spouses blame each other, sometimes, even the children. In-law's blame the son-in-law. Grandchildren blame the aunt or uncle.

The assembly line blames middle management. Middle management blames the executives. The executives blame the other way.

At university's . . . faculty blame administration. Administration blame staff. Staff blame faculty. Students blame administration. The vicious cycle continues.

Rarely when something goes wrong do various factions of any entity stand up and take responsibility for their own individual contributions to the mess. This has happened in Washington and Wall Street. It happened during Katrina, and the onset of the Gulf War.

Right here in Detroit and Metro Detroit, the demise of the auto industry and scandal surrounding former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. Everyone wants to create a scapegoat.

G.K. Chesterton (well-known thinker/writer from the U.K.) famously once wrote in to a London Newspaper regarding the turmoil that consumed Europe in the early stages of the twentieth century.

You want to know what's wrong with the world?
I am.
G.K. Chesterton

Regarding leadership . . . I'm interested in surrounding myself with people who are willing to a) own up to their own shortcomings and weaknesses b) come together to draw upon the strengths of the group and c) courageously carve a path forward in hope.

The blame game is out-of-control. We are a society of "it's someone else's fault."

And I'm one of the reasons.


phil said...

It was in a garden that Adam shifted the blame; it was in a garden when Christ was willing to take on all shame (excuse the corny rhyme). It’s interesting to me that when the only man ever in history could justifiably point his finger elsewhere; he instead drank the forsakenness down proving that the power of love reaches further than any finger that can be pointed. That’s the kind of King I want to serve!

WES said...

Indwelling sin loves to cover up but its ultimate destiny is destruction. The deliverer is coming.

Good one.

phil said...

P.S. I am one of the reasons as well.

Sara G said...

not to place blame, but you forgot a current one.

the politicians blame the media


Luke Savage III said...

hahaha love Sara's comment