18 September 2008


Lao Tsu once wrote:

Go to the people
Live with them,
Learn from them,
Love them.
Start with what they know,
Build with what they have,
But with the best leaders, when the work is done, the task
The people will say,
We have done it ourselves


Last night, during our mid-week service, several of our college students participated in our Can I Get a Witness? series; discussing their six-week immersion into life in Uganda with the Jinja Mission Team. They told stories, read poems, testified to the difficulty of being American in Africa, bore witness to the love and hope springing forth from poverty and H.I.V. . . . I could not be more proud of these emerging leaders and their commitment to live for the sake of others. "Don't ask what the world needs. Instead, ask what makes you come alive . . . because what the world needs is people who've come alive."


Ash, Kel n Ella said...

Bar none, the highlight of that service was Ugandan Tom leading worship at the end. His smile, energy and love filled a normally stagnate, quiet auditorium. I could have sang with him for hours!

Luke Savage III said...

Awesome quote, but I'm not familiar with Lao....please inform