23 July 2008

Mere Discipleship

About five years ago, Mere Discipleship hit churches, bookstores, classrooms, and personal libraries all around the country. More than anything, this work (an appropriation of sorts of John Howard Yoder for evangelicals) prompted spirited discussion regarding religion, politics, the life of Jesus, and the role of church in society.

The second edition of MD is out. For this edition, I've written a detailed study guide alongside Lee Camp for the sole purpose of equipping church leaders, teachers, and ministers to bring this important discussion to the place for which the book was written in the first place: the local church!

If you were challenged by the first edition, consider purchasing the second. If you have not read this book, here's your chance.

Click here for a preview.

"What a book. This is one of those books that you wear out carrying around, marking up, and loaning out. Camp's words are timeless, and timely. And the crazy thing is this: the church is actually ready to hear them. In post-Religious Right America, there is an entire generation that is not willing to settle for the dream of America over the dream of God. There is a hunger for a Christianity that is not just something we believe but something we live and embody, a church filled not just with believers and worshippers but with disciples. Lee Camp points us towards a Christianity that is worth believing in."--Shane Claiborne, author of The Irresistible Revolution, coauthor of Jesus for President

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