14 July 2008

Chez Moi

Kara and I just returned home tonight. After a month of being gone (grad school and our time in Uganda) I am at peace knowing I'm home.

The last several days were exciting and stressful. We survived one amazing "lion encounter" during safari (more on that to come), a four hour airport shut down in Paris, and yours truly (moi) dancing with Ugandan tribal dancers (photos forthcoming).

My email inbox says 251 (that's just from last Wednesday). My voicemail if full. My stomach is empty.

I think maybe (as Ugandans love to say) . . . I think maybe I'll just go to bed.

"Home is the place where, when you have to go there,. . . they have to take you in. I should have called it . . . Something you somehow haven't to deserve,"
-Robert Frost.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I just noticed the picture on Kara's blog of you jumping in front of the tower and then Kara jumping. Her veritical is so much higher!!!! You ought to see us laughing now!!! Although, to be honest, after coaching you for four years I shouldn't be that surprised since Johnny was the only one with a lower vertical.