07 February 2008

Priceless (v.2)

Reading a great novel on your day off: $19.95 (price of the book).

Eating two huge bowls of cereal ($4.95).

Finishing writing an exam: one headache.

Getting beat by your wife in Phase 10: one trip to the kitchen to make ice cream.

Going to the shooting range with your father and father-in-law: priceless. To read a bit about that, click here.


Josh Ross said...

If you keep leaving comments on my blog like you did, or spreading rumors about me on other blogs, I'm going to have you take me to the shooting range in a few weeks when I make it up to Detroit. :)

Luke said...

Did you father-in-law aim at you??

Josh Graves said...

Josh: I don't know what you are talking about.

Luke: No . . . not this time.

Anonymous said...

Was that ice cream made by hand??? I'm wondering if you've lost your man card, Josh.....

Losing to wife in Phase 10: worrisome

Watching a chick flick and enjoying it: troublesome

Just kiddin..

Anonymous said...

Josh R.

I am appalled by your unwillingness to have anonymous post on your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hey, fess up, Josh. You were GREAT with the 30.06 and the Winchester 30-30 yesterday. Credit to whom credit is due, my man.

You are hereby allowed to brag.

Josh Graves said...

Jim: touche (that's funny)...no, the ice cream was from Wal-Mart (of course).

Anonymous: Get a life, seriously. Don't bring this discussion to my blog.

Patrick: I would've mentioned those stats but I didn't remember what they were. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

It's better than any other discussion you have going on!