29 March 2008


I'm back from spending a few days in Tulsa. The workshop was a great event. Terry Rush, Danna T. et al do a remarkable job putting such a big event together. They truly have the spiritual gift of organization. Also, I have to give a shout-out (that's what we say in Detroit) to the Priest family. Not only are they great lunch partners, their hospitality knows no bounds.


Here's another great snippet from Levine's The Misunderstood Jew (see two posts ago). Towards the end of the book she tells a rabbinic tale from the nineteenth century which recalls a conversation between two neighbors. This conversation serves to remind Christians and Jews that true reconciliation will only happen under one condition . . .

The first said: "Tell me, friend Ivan, do you love me?"
The second: "I love you deeply."
The first: "Do you know, my friend, what gives me pain?"
The second: How can I, pray, know what gives you pain?"
The first: "If you do not know what gives me pain, how can you say that you truly love me?"

"Understand, then, my sons," continues the teacher, "to love, truly to love, means to know what brings pain to your comrade."

. . . true reconciliation happens when we know what "pains" our neighbor.


Anonymous said...

Josh, I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you ... but I liked the things I heard you say. Blessings to you!

Anonymous said...

Josh, ditto on not getting to meet you. This was the first year for me to work a booth at Tulsa and that was a "spiritual experience" in itself. Patrick did stop by our both for a moment and pass along the story of the C of C tattoo parlor! I guess when he saw the motorcycles in our booth there was an immediate connection. Anyway you and Patrick keep up the good work, you are both such a blessing.



preacherman said...

Wonderful post brother.
I have found that through pain and painful times in my life I have grown closer to God Almighty. I have come to understand that pain is only temporary. I love your blog brother. I read it daily and I pray that God will bless you in ways you have never imagined before.
You are a blessing to the Church.
Keep up the great blogging and posts!
In Him,
Kinney Mabry
1 Tim 4:12

Zack said...

I hope and pray the workshop went well. Wish I could've gone this year.
God bless!

Tom said...

Great post! I think this may be one of our greatest cultural condemnations. I know that our culture draws us to a self-seeking almost epicurean type of thinking that we don’t often care about anyone else. And besides the fact that I am too busy tending to my own whims, we don't seem to share our hurts with others. "Oh, I'm okay. No really I'm fine. I don’t need any help." How can we bare one another's burdens if we don't let others know about them?

Great post,

Jeanne said...

Hey, Josh! We enjoyed being with you so much! We treasure the time we get to spend with you! I'm still working on that email about The Village, but someone recommended this great book to me (The Shack) and I can't put it down long enough to finish the email! I even read at stop lights!!! I'll get back to you soon! The book is one of the most amazing things I ever read! Thanks so much for recommending it. I have a line of friends waiting to borrow it!