08 March 2008

The "D"

I just returned from our annual Rochester College/Rochester Church of Christ Urban Formation Week.

It was, to say the least, a great week. I'm worn out. 

I'll write more in the coming days (I think).

For now . . . I'll simply say this. Perhaps more than most places, Detroit is the ultimate paradox. There is an abundance of life, creativity, history, energy, diversity, talent, light and hope. And yet, there is an equal amount of death, stagnation, despair, idleness, homogeneous tribalism, darkness, and depression. I love Detroit and I mourn for Detroit--all in the same breath. 

God is on the move. I saw that truth up close and personal.

Out of the ashes . . . God does his best work.  


Anonymous said...

I believe God might echo your words about Detroit when he looks at mankind...

Navalpride said...

Looking forward to hearing of the events of your week. Although I echo your heartfelt sentiment for Detroit, I have to agree with palmerjr about it echoing throughout mankind....we live in the ultimate paradox where there is an abundance of life, knowledge, and talent alongside death, stagnation, and darkness. God loves us and mourns for us at the same time.

But, through the transforming fire of righteousness and truth, God does indeed do His best work in all of us.