This is a picture of me and Dr. Brueggemann after he'd announced that the course he taught at Columbia Seminary would be his last academic teaching experience. None of us in the class had any idea that we would not only be sitting in on a true legend but that this would be his final "game". The final thirty minutes Friday were dedicated to allowing the students to ask whatever question we desired (theology, future of the church, etc.). The one that impacted me the most was his "admission" that he stayed at Columbia Seminary all these years (instead of being at a place like Harvard, Yale, etc.) because he wanted to teach and form students who'd directly become "doctors of the church" (Brueggemann classic).
I don't know if I've ever been around a person who knows Scripture as well as Dr. Brueggemann. The conservative myth that liberal scholars (and he's liberal because of his commitment to taking postmodern culture seriously) don't know the text is just that . . . a myth.
Doctoral students from South Korea, China, U.K, Jamaica, India, Atlanta, Detroit, New Jersey, Alabama, Mississippi (among other places). We had Hispanic, Anglo, black, African, et al brothers and sisters from a mix of different tribes: Methodist, Presbyterian, Church of Christ (me), Baptist, Congregationalist, Pentecostal, Anglican, gathered to study the Torah. And in doing so, we left believing that God might not be done with us. God just might be up to something we don't yet even have the language to express.
Sounds like a great experience and you guys look very happy together.
As Napoleon Dynamite would say: LUCKY!!
I'm just beginning my seminary life and there you are with one of the great thinkers who I am only now beginning to appreciate. That picture's a keeper, brother.
It was a great experience!
Scott: Keep me posted on your studies. I've enjoyed our dialog in the past. I like how you are sporting the Angels logo.
I heard Dr. Brueggemann preach once in Memphis and not from the OT. He preached from Acts 3.1-10 and this to date has been one of the best sermons I have ever listened to as well as being one of the most challenging.
You have truly been blessed to have him as a teacher.
Grace and peace,
K. Rex Butts
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