19 July 2005

I've blogged about Brian and Lisa Cain in the past but want to bring up their work again. On Wednesday NPR is doing a feature story on their work and ministry with God's Helping Hands a ministry to the poor of Oakland County with the Rochester Church(see http://www.ghhmichigan.org/).

Brian and Lisa started a clothing and food ministry from a small room in the Rochester Church building almost 8 years ago after enduring many moments of pain and confusion in dealing with the severe illness of their son Kevin. Kevin died at a young age--the funeral was one of the most "gospel" moments I've ever been apart of.

Since Kevin's death, the ministry has become one of the great witnesses in Oakland CO. They've moved God's Helping Hands from the church to a warehouse that borders Rochester and Pontiac.

Last Wednesday, for example, GHH fed almost 80 families (not people BUT families) in 3.5 hours. We're now beginning the process of dreaming of what might be done next to expand the ministry.

Tomorrow morning, reporters from one of the most respected radio programs in the country will be interviewing Brian and Lisa. People will be coming out of the woodwork to be a part of this day. I can't help but think of all the late nights and early morning Brian and Lisa have spent at that warehouse, getting things ready, sorting through the scraps of the rich in order to bring some light into rather dark lives.

I've spent thousands of dollars on a undergraduate degree in History and an M.Div but am just now learning what it means to be an outpost of God's Kingdom in the midst of overwhelming evidence that would suggest the only Kingdom in control is the one under the direction of the principalities and powers.


Sara said...

This sounds incredible Josh. I was in Nashville a few weeks ago and borrowed John's car...In the CD Player was your latest sermon and I must say I really enjoyed listening to it. Great job friend. Mike and I are moving to Paducah, KY in a few weeks, so maybe our paths will cross in Nashville sometime.

PatrickMead said...

I "Amen!" your positive comments about Brian and Lisa Cain and the work at God's Helping Hands. How many hundreds of these missions are all over the US? How many people are quietly doing the work of God without benefit of publicity or adequate support? It humbles me that some of us "stars" get all the press, but the real work is done by the Cains and others of God's quiet servants.

(and Sara, sorry about that whole "moving to Paducah" thing)