13 November 2006

Luis, Dawn, and Lavern

Luis Ontiveros joined our faith community in an unusual way. During our Mosaic gathering (which attracts a lot of people some churches wouldn’t be interested in), one Sunday, Luis came into the building sharing that "demons" were chasing him. That’s not as unusual as one might think.

A few of the guys in our church thought Luis should talk to me. I don’t know why, maybe I’m the resident charismatic—which, if true, is a sad commentary.

Luis told me his story. He’d escaped the drug and gang life in Los Angeles and moved to Michigan to start over. God had been chasing him all along, now he wanted to return the favor. And man has he returned the favor.

Luis went with a group of men from our church to Louisiana to help rebuild a home that had been damaged in the wake of Katrina’s power. Every Sunday I look for his strong presence and for Dawn’s smile.

Luis and Dawn (his loyal and incredible girlfriend who’s overcome immense pain in her own life) live near the church building. They have two kids living in their small apartment. Until recently, Dawn’s grandmother lived with them. Five people in less than 800 square feet. They cared for Lavern, filling her med’s, fixing her meals, etc. They called her Granny. Everyone called her Granny.

Yesterday, Granny died. Luis and Dawn are devastated. They called and I went to the hospital. I reassured them that God was honored by their seven years of care-giving for Lavern. They feel as if a major anchor has been ripped out of their life.

I prayed with them.

Hugged on them.

And then realized, these two unsuspecting Christ followers were teaching me. Teaching me about the value of every human life. The dignity that every person deserves to have reflected their way.

Luis and Dawn don’t make a lot of money. Yet, they always found a way to care for the one’s they’ve been entrusted.

Thanks be to God for sending people in our midst who teach us the more truer way.


Emily said...

I'll be the resident charismatic if you'd like. :)

Anonymous said...

Praise God for people like Luis and Dawn. And, a thanks for them.

I'll be praying for them

Courtney S.

Josh Graves said...

Sounds good Emily :) Just don't bring that guitar of yours. We'll see you in Mosaic this Sunday.

Emily said...

No Guitar?!?

Psht. Forget it then.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post!


Lindy said...

sighhh.. good stuff.. God is working in the most unsuspecting ways. I am thankful for this post.