17 January 2008

A Day's Work

I’m interested to learn how people organize their daily lives. I'm very interested in schedules, meetings, projects, renewal time, etc. (A friend of mine used to schedule his day in 15 minute increments. He does not do that anymore.)

A few people have said to me recently, “What do you do all day, Josh?” Churches deserve to know what their ministers are up to. At the same time, ministers need the trust of their churches.

So . . . Here's exactly what I did yesterday. WARNING: Wednesday's are usually my busiest day. Therefore, don't assume everyday is like yesterday. Most days, I’m usually home by 6pm (usually).

9am-930am: Responded to about 20 e-mail’s related to my ministry with young adults and college students (small group's, pastoral care issues, ministry linkage, future opportunities, short-term mission, and Cass Park).

930am-10am: I worked on a 2008 "Timeline" for all of the ministry projects I'm responsible for in this calendar year (South Oakland Shelter, Bob Russell, Retreat, Detroit Mission in Cass Park, Uganda, Teaching Plan with Patrick, etc.) Kelly Harrison is a great co-worker who keeps me on task and on track.

10am-1045am: Made a handful of pastoral calls to people who are hurting, disconnected, searching, etc.

11am-1130am: Worked on my “Introduction to the Christian Faith” course (Rochester College).

12pm-2pm: Met with Rubel Shelly, John Barton, and a team of local ministers in planning the upcoming RC Resource! Seminar. It’s going to be a great event (I even managed to have a conversation with a fellow minister about Barak Obama).

230pm to 4pm: Finished my 2008 "Timeline" project, discussed upcoming teaching series with Patrick, did some research for a lecture I'm giving today at Rochester College "Reflections on Pastoral Care in Our Complex World."

400pm-405pm Banana break (I'm a banana junkie).

405pm-430pm: Prep for my Uganda Mission meeting, and South Oakland Shelter meeting for the evening.

430pm-545pm: Did my training "work-out" for my Triathlon in June. I swam for twenty minutes (500m) and ran 2.5 miles.

545pm-6pm: Printed off a fundraiser letter for Uganda trip.

6pm-7pm: Met with RC Students about a six-week Uganda internship.

7pm-8pm: Wednesday worship gathering (Connections).

8pm-845pm: South Oakland Shelter Leaders Meeting.

9pm-1130pm: Dinner and Great Conversation with Kara. American Idol. Intervention. Book. Bed.

As you can tell, my least favorite line from friends and family, "Well, you only work one day week." Or . . . "Josh isn't doing anything, he can help." It's true: ministry tends to attract extreme personalities: a) the lazy/just-do-enough types and b) the perfectionist/I-wish-there-29-hours-in-a-day types. Both are equally dangerous.

Our time is one of the most sacred gifts God provides. How we spend our time is our gift back to him. Work, exercise, pastoral care, reading, organization, and REST, are all important in our lives as spiritual beings.

What did you do on Wednesday? My work is no more important than the work of a mother, teacher, lawyer, doctor, administrator, etc. I’d love to hear what your day consists of.


Kara Graves said...

I am proud of you and the work you do. Here was my wednesday schedule....

9-2:15 Work at the Bank
2:45 appt. with dentist
homework for school
prepared Bible class
7-8 taught K/1st graders at church
9-11:30 had dinner, did some homework and watched TV with my best friend.

Now today is much more interesting/tiring. I go to classes from 8 AM- 9:50 PM. Pray for me y'all.

Anonymous said...

7am-10am read for class (Foucault and Mayakovksy)
11am got ready for class
12-drove to school
12 50-335 class
345-445 met with my professor and mentor
445-6 got ready for presentation and grabbed a quick sandwich
6-9 class and presentation
10-an hour to myself
yeah, wednesdays are my busiest too!!!

Josh Graves said...

Kara: I'm proud of you and the work you are doing.

boutzers: interesting, very interesting. I'll check out your blog.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your hard work, Josh. A lot of people don't see the work that goes on during the week. My pastor is there pretty much anytime the doors are open, which is 6-7 days a week pretty much. A good pastor will budget his time yet have a pulse on the feelings and growth of his congregation. It's good you're in touch.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'll play along . . .

4:15 Wake-up
5:15 Drive to DTW
6:30 Board airplane for flight to Chicago, IL
7:35 Fall asleep
8:20 Wake up in time to get off the airplane
8:48 Irritate a taxi driver with a 5 minute fare (Chicago cabbies can be real cranks!)
9 - 10 Tried to make a dent in saved up e-mails
10 - 1 Trained a new employee
1 - 2 Went out to lunch
2 - 4 Finished reviewing HR processes with new employee
4 - 5 Had a conference call with customer
5 - 6 Returned saved up voice mails
6:00 Back to O'Hare
6:10 Quick bite at Quizno's (O'Hare has an amazing void of decent restaurants)
6:20 Connect back in to the internet and finalize my weekly report & return more e-mail - there's always more e-mail waiting :-(
6:40 Board airplane
6:42 Fall asleep (I think I'm narcoleptic on airplanes)
8:25 Wake up while plane taxis
8:45 Drive home
9:45 See wife for first time
11:00 Good Night!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday looked like this:

7:45- wake up, breakfast, get ready for work.
9:00- arrive at Best Buy, realize that I'm not scheduled until 10:00.
9:00-10:00- nap on the couch in the break room at work.
10:00-5:00- work (consisting of ringing out some rather disgruntled customers, and running over SOS plans and Africa to-do list in my head).
5:00-5:30- Dinner in the Fletch Fletch.
5:30-6:00- check/respond to e-mail, peruse blogs, general internet tomfoolery.
6:00-7:00- Africa internship meeting.
7:00-8:00- Connections
8:00-9:00- SOS committee meeting
9:00-9:30- Create song list for worship in assembly for Thursday.
10:00- 10:30 Catching up on the day with my roommate/best friend Erin.
10:30-12:00- Write paper for Spiritual Formation.

And bed at midnight. Whew!

ROD said...

You are organized, I'll admit. In the insurance industry we work as fast as we can and come home tired at the end of the day. The daytime structure is provided, for the most part. The evening is more flexible.

Josh Graves said...


The key is, in my estimation, to be present for the church but to also have good boundaries. Many a "preacher's family" have gone asunder because of the absence of boundaries.


That's why they pay you the big bucks. Man, I wouldn't want your schedule for anything.


Great work on SOS planning. Our friends from SOS are really going to enjoy this.


Welcome . . . we love people from the Northwest :) I don't think I'd survive one week in your industry.

Anonymous said...

400-445 devotional/study
445-500 warmup car/head to work
500-600 travel to main job
600-700 catchup with email. Spend time writing what God spoke to me on the way in to work.
700-1100 work. Break software, tell engineers software is broken and then hold engineers as they cry over broken software.....
1100-1130 lunch
1130-1530 work...again.

inbetween the various work jobs...dealing with accountability partners, wife, children, other coworkers who want to engage in dialogue with "christian"......

1530-1630 home. intime for kids
1630-1800 homework, dinner, chores
1800-2100 church events, study groups, etc....
2100-2300 tv, wife, children.....relax

that's wednesday...not my busiest day....

Josh Graves said...

Chaplain J:

Wowwww...another person I would not trade job's with.

Man, I'm starting to think I'm a slacker. You guys getting up at 4am--you're nuts.

Editor Cassandra said...

This Wednesday was a little out of the ordinary:

8a - woke up and had breakfast.
9a - took tube from Kennington to London Victoria
10a - caught bus to Cardiff
1p - arrived in Cardiff, checked in to hostel
2p - wandered through the gardens of Cardiff Castle
3p - went shopping on the high street
4p - caught bus to Llandalf Cathdral
5p - get off bus and head towards cathedral in the dark
6p - realised that I went the wrong way
6:30p - found Tesco, stopped to use the loo and grab a sarnie
7p - caught bus in the general direction of where the cathedral was supposed to be
7:15p - arrived at the right stop, headed in right direction
7:30p - finally found cathedral, and it was beautiful
8p - made way back to bus stop
8:30p - bus came that would get me back to the city centre
9p - dinner in Irish pub
10p - back to hostel
10:20p - shower, TV to catch up on new NUFC manager King Kev and the beating they gave Stoke
11p - bed.